#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Gauge from datetime import datetime from time import sleep import psycopg2 import sys USER = "odoo" HTTP_HOST = "::" HTTP_PORT = 9402 INTERVAL = 10 if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: DBNAME = sys.argv[1] else: sys.exit("Invalid number of arguments. " + "Usage: {} [dbname]".format(sys.argv[0])) # Setup prometheus Gauge prom_days = Gauge( 'odoo_license_remaining_days', "Remaining days before Odoo license expiration") # Serve metrics over HTTP start_http_server(addr=HTTP_HOST, port=HTTP_PORT) # Open connection with psycopg2.connect(database=DBNAME, user=USER) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() while True: cur.execute("SELECT value FROM ir_config_parameter WHERE key =" + "'database.expiration_date';") expiration_date = datetime.strptime(cur.fetchone()[0].split()[0], "%Y-%m-%d").date() now = datetime.now().date() prom_days.set((expiration_date - now).days) sleep(INTERVAL)