Virtual Machines

This page list all the Virtual Machines linked to your account. Note that SSH keys are not (yet) synced with OpenNebula: you'll have to add your key in <%= @current_user.username %> (top-right) > Settings > Add SSH Key in OpenNebula for every location you want to use.

<%= for location <- Map.keys(@vms) do %>

Location: <%= location %>

You can access the OpenNebula dashboard with your LDAP credentials at: <%= Map.get(ONE.get_location_config(location), :public_address) %>

<%= for vm <- Map.get(@vms, location) do %> <% end %>
ID Name State Actions
<%= location %>#<%= Map.get(vm, :ID) %> <%= Map.get(vm, :NAME) %> <%= render_state(vm) %> <%= link "Show history ยป", to: Routes.virtual_machine_hosting_path(@conn, :show, location, Map.get(vm, :ID)) %>
<% end %>