defmodule RecycledCloud.LDAPTestEnvironment do alias RecycledCloud.LDAP require Logger @image "" defp container_name, do: "ldap-playground-#{System.unique_integer()}" defp get_runtime_tuple(args) do runtime = System.find_executable("podman") || System.find_executable("docker") case System.get_env("CALL_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_AS_ROOT") do nil -> {runtime, args} _ -> {System.find_executable("sudo"), [runtime | args]} end end defp wait_for_ldap(poll_every \\ 1000, max \\ 10, current \\ 0) do case LDAP.connect() do %{status: :ok, conn: conn} -> conn |> LDAP.close() :ok %{status: :error, conn: _} -> unless current >= max do Process.sleep(poll_every) wait_for_ldap(poll_every, max, current + 1) else :timeout end end end def start() do container = container_name() runtime_tuple = get_runtime_tuple([ "run", "--rm", "--name", container, "-p", "3089:389", @image ]) case runtime_tuple do {nil, _} -> Logger.error("Could not find a container runtime (required for LDAP environment). Exiting.") :error {binary, args} ->"Starting LDAP environment.") port = {:spawn_executable, binary}, [:binary, args: args] ) max_loop_count = case System.get_env("LDAP_WAIT_LOOPS") do nil -> 10 str -> str |> String.to_integer end case wait_for_ldap(1000, max_loop_count) do :ok -> # Wait for LDAP server to be populated. # FIXME: poll state instead of taking a nap! Process.sleep(2000) {:ok, port, container} :timeout -> {:error, :timeout} end end end def stop(name) do "Terminating LDAP Test Environment." {binary, args} = get_runtime_tuple(["stop", name]) System.cmd(binary, args) end end