defmodule HAHandler.Web.Router do @moduledoc """ This module dispatch incoming HTTP requests to their related logic. Please refer to [1] for details. [1] """ use Plug.Router import HAHandler, only: [acme_challenge_path: 0] alias HAHandler.Web.Controller # Note for plugs: oder is important, as a plug may stop # want to stop the pipeline! plug Plug.Logger, log: :debug # Note: `plug` is a macro, hence evaluated at # compile-time. The configuration (which path to # serve) cannot be modified at runtime with this # system. plug Plug.Static, at: "/.well-known/acme-challenge/", from: acme_challenge_path() plug :match plug :dispatch get "/", do: Controller.index(conn) match _ do send_resp(conn, 404, "Not found") end end