defmodule HAHandler.HAProxy do @moduledoc """ Interface to HAProxy's runtime API: """ # TODO: can we keep the socket open by keeping the port state in a GenServer # and abusing the prompt mode of HAProxy's socket somehow? The later is # somewhat clunky, but I'm not sure if there is a way around it since HAProxy # seems to return EOF once a command is executed (unless prompt mode is # enabled). import HAHandler, only: [haproxy_socket: 0] alias :procket, as: Socket # How long do we wait for an answer - in milliseconds. @socket_read_timeout 5_000 @doc """ Sends a command to HAProxy's socket - please refer to HAProxy's runtime API documentation for available commands (see moduledoc). This method will either return an answer with `{:ok, answer}` or error with `{:error, err}`. """ def execute(command) when is_binary(command) do case open_socket(haproxy_socket()) do {:ok, socket} -> send(socket, {self(), {:command, command <> "\n"}}) read_from_socket(socket) {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end defp extract_stats(data) do extracted = for entry <- data do for mapping <- entry do case mapping do %{ "id" => id, "objType" => type, "field" => %{"name" => name}, "value" => %{"value" => value}, } -> %{:id => id, :type => type, :field => name, :value => value} _ -> nil end end end extracted |> List.flatten() |> Enum.group_by( fn mapping -> {mapping.type,} end, fn mapping -> %{mapping.field => mapping.value} end ) |> fn {{type, id}, grouped_mappings} -> grouped_mappings |> Enum.reduce(fn l, r -> Map.merge(l,r) end) |> Map.put("type", type) |> Map.put("id", id) end ) |> Enum.group_by( fn entry -> Map.get(entry, "type") end ) end @doc """ Executes and parse the output of the `show stats` HAProxy command, returning a list of Maps. """ def get_stats(opts \\ []) def get_stats([hide_error: true]) do case get_stats() do {:error, _err} -> %{ "Frontend" => %{}, "Backend" => %{}, "Server" => %{} } stats -> stats end end def get_stats(_opts) do case execute("show stat json") do {:ok, raw} -> case Poison.decode(raw) do {:ok, data} -> extract_stats(data) {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end # Opens an UNIX socket - there is no built-in support in Elixir/Erlang so we # use low-level C bindings provided by :procket # ( # # Heavily inspired by the `NVim.Link` module: # defp open_socket(path) do family = type = :stream # 0 means use the default protocol in the family. protocol = 0 pad = 8 * (Socket.unix_path_max() - byte_size(path)) sockaddr = Socket.sockaddr_common(family, byte_size(path)) <> path <> <<0::size(pad)>> {:ok, socket} = Socket.socket(family, type, protocol) case Socket.connect(socket, sockaddr) do :ok -> # We connect our UNIX socket to an erlang Port: # # > Ports provide a mechanism to start operating system processes # > external to the Erlang VM and communicate with them via message # > passing. # See for details. # # See for more # port options. # # * :binary: all I/O from the port is binary data objects as opposed to # lists of bytes. # * Messages are delivered on a per line basis. Each line (delimited by # the OS-dependent newline sequence) is delivered in a single message. # The message data format is {Flag, Line}, where Flag is eol or noeol, # and Line is the data delivered (without the newline sequence). {fdin, fdout} = {socket, socket} port ={:fd, fdin, fdout}, [{:line, 10_000}, :binary]) {:ok, port} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end # Messages may be split due to the `{:line, L}` option specific in # `open_socket/1`. defp read_from_socket(socket, acc \\ "") do receive do {_port, {:data, {:noeol, data}}} -> read_from_socket(socket, acc <> data) {_port, {:data, {:eol, data}}} -> {:ok, acc <> data} msg -> {:error, {:unexpected_message, msg}} after @socket_read_timeout -> {:error, :timeout} end end end